miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014


-HIJACK: To steal from a truck or other vehicle after forcing it to stop.

-ROB: To take something from someone by unlawful force or threat of violence.

-STEAL: To take the property of another or other without permission or right.

-CAMERA: A device that is used for taking photographies or to record a video.

-CCTV: Closed Circuit TV.

-MURDER: The killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law.

-BURGLAR: The felony of breaking into and entering the house of another person with intent of stealing valuable things.

-SHOOT: To hit, wound, damage or kill with a missile discharge from a weapon.

-GUN: Any portable firearm like a rifle or a revolver.

-GANG: A group or a band of people.

-WITNESS: To be present at an occurrence as a formal witness, spectator...

-THIEF: A person who steals, especially secretly or without open force.

-ARREST: To seize a person by legal authority.

-KIDNAP: To carry off and hold a person, usually for a ransom.

-CIVILIAN: A person whose primary occupation is civil or non-military.

-HANDCUFFS: A ring-shaped metal device that can be locked around a person's wrist, usually one of a pair connected by a short chain.

martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014


-VOLCANO: A mountain that expels lava or ash.

-EARTHQUAKE: Seismic tremor, that causes several damages in the affected area.

-FLOOD: Is an overflow of water that submerges land which is usually dry.

-LANDSLIDE: Is a geological phenomenon that includes a wide range of ground movements, such as rockfalls.

-HURRICANE: A tropical cyclone, which is a rapidly rotating storm system, characterized by a low-pressure centre and strong winds.

-CRUDE OIL: An oily, thick, flammable and usually dark coloured liquid.

-OIL SPILL: An accidental release of oil into the sea.

-POLLUTION: The introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment.
-FIRE: The destructive burning of a forest, building...

-ACID RAIN: Precipitation, as rain or snow containing relatively high concentrations of acid.

-GLOBAL WARMING: An increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature.

-DEFORESTATION: To clear a forest of trees.

-TORNADO: A localized, violently and destructive wind storm occurring overland.

-STORM: A heavy fall of rain, snow or hail.

-ASTEROID: A small body that revolve around the sun in orbits.

-LIGHTNING: A brilliant, electric spark discharge in the atmosphere.

-SAND STORM: A wind storm that blows along great clouds of sand.

-ASH: Finely pulverized lava thrown out by a volcano in eruption.

-MUD: Wet or soft earth.

-B.B.C: British Broadcasting Corporation.

-C.N.N: Cable News Network.

-SMOG: Smoke or other atmospheric pollutants combined with fog in an unhealthy mixture.

-SHELTER: A dwelling place or home considered as a refuge from the elements.

-FOOD SUPPLIES: Food obtained for a household or for an expedition.

-BASEMENT: The lowest habitable level of a building, usually below ground level.

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014


-"SCARE THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF": "Te dará un susto de muerte".

-"GAVE UP THE GHOST": "Ha dejado de funcionar" (if it reefers to an object).  

-"SCARED STIFF": " Estar muert@ de miedo" or "Quedarse de piedra".

-"AS IF YOU'VE SEEN A GHOST": "Como si hubieras visto un fantasma".

-"SCAREDY-CAT": "No seas cobarde".

-"GIVES ME THE CREEPS": "Se me ponen los pelos de punta".

-"COME BACK TO HUNT YOU": "Atente a las consecuencias" (in the case that you do something wrong).

-"A GHOST TOWN": "Pueblo abandonado" or "Pueblo inhabitado".


-MYSTERIOUS: Something strange that don't have any explanation.

-HAUNTED: A place, which is frequented or visited by ghosts.

-DARK: Lacking or having very little light.

-SPOOKY: Something scary.

-GLOOMY: Something partially or totally dark.

-CEMETERY: A place where the dead are buried, normally near a church.

-SHRIEK: A shrill and piercing cry.

-ALLEY: A narrow street or passageway between or behind city buildings.

-SPECTRE: A visible incorporeal spirit.

-MOONLIGHT: The light reflected from the surface of the moon.

-COWARD: A person that isn't brave.

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014


-RELATED: Something that is connected or associated with another thing.

-BROCHURE: A small booklet or pamphlet, often containing promotional material or product information.

-BAGGAGE CLAIM: An area in an airport where arriving passengers can collect the luggage that has been carried in the hold of the aircraft.

-CAMPING: A place where tents, huts or other temporary shelters are set up.

-REST STOP: Designated paved area beside a main road where cars can stop temporarily.

-MOBILE HOMES: A large trailer, fitted with parts for connection to utilities, that can be installed on a relatively permanent site and that is used as a residence.

-RECLINE: To lie back or down.

-V.A.T: Value Added Tax, a tax levied on the difference between the cost of materials an the selling price of a commodity or service.

-LUGGAGE: Containers for a traveller's belongings.

-JOURNEY: The act of travelling from one place to another.

-"SAVE AND SOUND": "Sano y salvo".

-TAKING TIME OFF FROM WORK: Stop working temporarily.

-TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS: The things that you do before a journey.

-BOARD: To enter or go aboard in an aircraft, for example.

-BOARDING PASS: A pass that authorizes a passenger to board on an aircraft.

-HOSTEL: A supervised, cheap lodging place for travellers, especially for young travellers.

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014


In my opinion, New York is one of these cities that you have to visit at least once in your life, because it has all the things that you need, and another thing is that you can see an enormous amount of skyscrapers; in each street there can be maybe four of them.

Also, I would like to go to New York because it has, in my opinion, one of the most amazing parks that you can see in a city, and that is Central Park, which has around 3,4 square kilometres of extension! There is other natural place that I would like to visit, that is near New York, and that is the Niagara Falls, which are told to be very large, and which are also one of Nature’s “magic shows”.

One of the most important things that you have to visit in New York is the Liberty Statue, it has to be awesome to see it from the ground, and also to go to the top of it and see all those beautiful views of the sea and the city. Another place that is a mark of New York is Chinatown; I think this site will be, if we go, my favourite, because it’s like to be in China, but being in another continent.

To finish, I would like to go to two of the most important streets in New York, which are Time Square and Wall Street, because both of them has a lot of things to see like all the publicity with light posters in Time Square or the  big statue of a bull in Wall Street.

martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014


-COLONIES: All the countries that used to be British colonies.

-NAPOLEON: A French military and political leader who became very powerful during the French Revolution.

-WELSH: Language which is spoken in Wales.

- DEFEAT: The state of being beaten in a battle, competition, election, etc...

-WALES: Is an independent area belonging to England.

-PATTING: Something you tap it or hit it lightly, for example, with your fingers.

-BLOODY FOREIGNER: An expression to say that you don't like people coming from other countries.

-OLIVE SKIN: Darker colour skin tone.

-ZEBRA CROSSING/ PEDESTRIAN CROSSING: A place in which pedestrians can cross a street and where drivers must stop to let them cross.

-PALE: Something that is pale is whitish and not strong or bright in colour.

-SUN TANNED: Coloured by the sun.

-SNIFFING: Draw in air through enough to make a sound, or to introduce something inside the nose.

-"WHEN IN ROME, DO AS THE ROMANS DO": "A donde fueres, haz lo que vieres".

-THE BEE GEES: A music group from Wales.

-PECK: When you take only a small amount of food.

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014


Hi everybody! I look forward to a great year and to learning a lot; and hopefully we will be going to New York together.

And now a little bit about cultural differences that I have heard of or read about.

In the world, there are a lot of countries and each of them have their own cultural traditions, so I'm going to mention some of them:

-In Japan, you must eat with chopsticks, not like in other countries in which you eat with fork, spoon, knife...  Also, you mustn't wear shoes inside the house; doing that is considered rude, and when you are going to eat, you sit directly on the floor, you haven't got chairs in many traditional homes.

-In the United States, if you say or write that the Global Warming doesn't exist, and the police catch you, you go directly to jail.

-In Denmark, at the dinner, the host decide where the people have to sit at the table, and the dinner is also served much earlier, around seven o'clock. The country is very prepared for the use of bicycles, so the cities are generally really "green cities", with no contamination.

lunes, 9 de junio de 2014


-CEREALS: grasses grown for the edible components of their grain, such as rice and wheat.

-MORTGAGE: a loan to finance the purchase of private residential or commercial property.

-SPECULATION: investment in stocks, property of other assets in the hope of gain, but with the risk of loss.

-CROP: a cultivated plant to be harvested as food, animal fodder, fuel or for any other economic purpose.

-AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE: a landscape that has been transformed by people to cultivate crops and/or rear livestock.

-CULTURAL HERITAGE: the things, places and practices that define who we are as individuals, as communities, as nations or cultures.

-DOMESTIC TOURISM: tourism in which tourists do not leave their own country.

-LARGE-SCALE TOURISM: travel and accommodation offered to large groups at affordable prices by tour operators.

-TOUR OPERATORS: a company that combines tour and travel components to cater for large-scale tourism.

-HIGH-SPEED RAIL: a type of rail transport involving high-speed trains.

-PEAK SEASON: the season in whichtravel is most active and rates are highest.

-OFF-PEAK SEASON: the season in which travel is less active and rates are lower.

-RECESSION: a business cycle contraction; a general slowdown in economic activity.


-FREIGHT: goods or produce transported by ship, aircraft, train, lorry or van.

-CAPITAL FLOWS: money that is transported around the world.

-EXPORTS: goods or services that are sold outside the country where they are produced.

-IMPORTS: goods or services that are brought into a country from abroad for sale.

-BALANCE OF TRADE: the difference between the monetary value of the exports and the imports of a country.

-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS: monetary transactions between a country and the world.

-RETAIL: a type of trade in which businesses sell small quantities of goods directly to consumers.

-WHOLESALE: trade in which buyers purchase large quantities of goods and sell them, in smaller quantities, to other companies.

-TRADE BLOC: a group of countries that join together to form an area with special trade regulations.

-TRANSPORT NETWORK: the connection of road, railway lines, ports or airports that facilitate the transport of goods and/or people.

-MARKET: the meeting of buyers and sellers of goods and services. It can be tangible or abstract and it decides the prices of goods and services.

-INFRASTRUCTURE: the basic physical and organizational structures needed for an economy to function.

-TRADE: the buying and selling of goods to meet the needs of the population.

-BARTERING: a sistem used before the invention of money, involving the exchange of certain goods for others.

-TOURISM: a sector dedicated to travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes.

-INFORMATION SOCIETY: a society in which the creation, distribution, and manipulation of information has become the most important economic and cultural activity.

-PUBLIC SERVICES: services that cover basic need of population.

-PRIVATE SERVICES: services that offer personalised services to companies.

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014


-MECHANIZATION: the use of machinery in the production process.

-MINING: the process of extracting minerals from the ground.

-MINERAL: a naturally occurring solid chemical substance.

-FOSSIL FUELS: fuel that is formed by the decomposition of buried organic material, and exposure to heat and pressure, producing substances such as coal, oil and gas.

-INDUSTRY: any economic activity that produces a service or transforms raw material into consumer goods.

-IRRIGATED FARMING: is the artificial application of water to the land or soil.

-ENERGY: power that comes from the utilization of physical or chemical resources to provide light and heat or to work machines.

-BIOMASS: organic material used as a fuel that releases energy when burned.

-MANAGEMENT: the people that run a company and ensure that goods and services of a high enough quality are produced and sold at competitive prices.

-WORKFORCE: the employees required to produce goods and services.

-WIND TURBINE: a device that converts kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy to drive machinery or generate electricity.

-SOLAR PANEL: is a set of solar photovoltaic modules electrically connected and mounted on a supporting structure.

-RENEWABLE ENERGY: is generally defined as energy that comes from resources which are naturally replenished on a human time-scale such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat.  

-NON-RENEWABLE ENERGY: is a resource that does not renew itself at a sufficient rate for sustainable economic extraction in meaningful human time-frames.

-TRADITIONAL ENERGY: refers to the energy sources that are most commonly used.

-ALTERNATIVE ENERGY: is any energy source that is an alternative to fossil fuel. These alternatives are intended to address concerns about such fossil fuels.

-DAM: is a barrier that impounds water or underground streams.

-GUILD: is an association of artisans or merchants who control the practice of their craft in a particular town. 

-HEAVY INDUSTRY: It can mean production of products which are either heavy in weight or in the processes leading to their production.

-LIGHT INDUSTRY: is usually less capital intensive than heavy industry.

-CUTTING-EDGE INDUSTRIES: industries that employ advanced technology.

-CRAFTSPERSONS: a person who makes products using basic tools and manual labour.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014


The invention I have choosen is one of the more usefulls one, because several people use it many times a day. It was made by Jame Check and Heinrid Rudolf at the 19th century.

It's one of the most important invent of the history of the communications systems because with it you can speak, so other people can hear you, and also you can hear other people talking.

Can you guess what is it?



martes, 18 de marzo de 2014


-PLOT: a small piece of land that is intended for a particular purpose.

-SOIL: the material on the surface of the ground in which plants grow.

-CROP ROTATION: a method of farming where a number of different plants are grown one after the other on a field so that the soil stays healthy and fertile.

-INTENSIVE AGRICULTURE: a way of producing large amounts of crops, by using chemicals and machines.

-EXTENSIVE AGRICULTURE: farming that uses traditional methods and uses less labour and investment than more modern methods in order to farm fairly large areas of land.

-DRYLAND FARMING: a mode of farming, practiced in regions of slight or insufficient rainfall, which relies mainly on tillage methods rendering the soil more receptive of moisture and on the selection of suitable crops.

-IRRIGATED FARMING: farming based on the artificial distribution and application of water to arable land to initiate and maintain plant growth.

-POLYCULTURE the raising at the same time and place, of more than one species of plant or animal.

-MONOCULTURE: the use of land, for growing only one type of crop.

-GREENHOUSES: a building with transparent walls and roof, usually of glass, for the cultivation and exhibition of plants under controlled conditions.

-SUBSISTENCE AGRICULTURE: farming that provides enough food for the farmer and their family to live on, but not enough for them to sell.

 -SHIFTING CULTIVATION: a land use system in which a tract of land is cultivated until its fertility diminishes, when it is abandoned until this is restored naturally.  

-LIVESTOCK FARMING: rising of animals for use or for pleasure.

-HOUSED LIVESTOCK: animals are fed with fodder in farm buildings.

-CATTLE: cows that are kept, for their milk or meat.

-FODDER: food that is given to cows, horses, and other farm animals.

-REAR: the back of something.

-FISHING GROUNDS: an area in a body of water where fishes congregate.

-AQUACULTURE: the cultivation of freshwater and marine resources, both plant and animal, for human consumption or use.

-OVERFISHING: catching too many fish in an area of the sea so that there are not many fish left there.

-FLEETS: a group of ships or all of the ships in a country's navy.

 -SCHOOL OF FISH: a group of fish, which are together.


-ECONOMIC ACTIVITY: actions that involve the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services at all levels within a society.

-ECONOMIC AGENT: a person, company, or organization that has an influence on the economy by producing, buying, or selling.

-GOODS: possessions that a person haves.

-SERVICES: work performed for remuneration.

-PRODUCTION: the act of bring something into existence. 

-DISTRIBUTION: the act of dispersing or the condition of being dispersed.

-MARKETING: the act of buying and selling in a market.

-CONSUMPTION: the act or process of consuming (to use up).

-SUPPLY: to furnish with something that is required.

-DEMAND: to request something urgently.

-INFLATION: a progressive increase in the general level of prices brought about by an expansion in demand or the money supply or by autonomous increases in costs.

-TAX: a compulsory financial contribution imposed by a government to raise revenue, levied on the income or property of persons or organizations, on the production costs or sales prices of goods and services.

-RAW MATERIAL: a substance in its natural state that will be used to make something in an industrial process.

-TELECOMMUTING: the use of home computers, telephones… to enable a person to work from home while maintaining contact with colleagues, customers, or a central office.

-EMPLOYER: a person who works.

-EMPLOYEE: a person who is hired to work for another.

-SELF EMPLOYED: not working for an employer but having your own business or finding work for yourself.

-ACTIVE POPULATION: The fraction of a population that is either employed or actively seeking employment.

-INACTIVE POPULATION: all persons who were neither employed nor unemployed during the short reference period used to measure current activity.

-DISABLED: lacking one or more physical powers, such as the ability to walk or to coordinate one's movements, as from the effects of a disease or accident, or through mental impairment.

-RETIRED: to give up or to cause (a person) to give up his work.

-FULL TIME CONTRACTS: it’s a legal agreement that is enforceable in a court of law or by binding arbitration in which an employee agrees to work on a fulltime basis for a specified period.

-PART TIME CONTRACTS: it’s a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full time job.

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014



               When we use make?                                                       When we use do?
               -Decisions                                                                       -A favour

               -Trips                                                                              -A research

               -The bed                                                                         -A sport

               -Friends                                                                           -Homework

               -Money                                                                           -A crossword

               -A discovery                                                                    -The laundry

               -Decisions                                                                        -The washing

               -A mistake                                                                        -Ironing

               -A meal                                                                             -Washing up

               -Food                                                                                -Time

               -Coffe                                                                                -Badly

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014


-TO ASK FOR THE MOON: means to make unreasonable demands for things or to wish something impossible to achieve or to obtain. 

-When you HOLD THE FORT it means that you take care of a place when the person normally in charge is away.

-UNDER THE TABLE: is a phrase used to describe secretive behaviour often suggesting corruption or illegality.

-TO HORSE AROUND: means yo behave in a silly way making noise and causing disruption.

-When you say someone has CHICKENED OUT of something you mean they have failed to do something or they haven't tried to do it because they were afraid.

-When you say someone is a WISE OLD OWL you mean they are very experienced in life.

-A NIGHT OWL is someone who stays up late into the night.

-When you say someone is IN SAFE HANDS you mean they are being cared for someone who is confident and skilled.

-A SAFE PAIR OF HANDS: it refers to someone who can be twisted to do a good job avoiding mistakes.

-If someone tells you TO HOLD YOUR TONGUE it means they want you to stop talking because they don't like what you are saying.

-If a situation is BLACK AND WHITE it means you have a clear opinion about it and you can easily see what you think is right and wrong.

-MONEY DOESN'T GROW ON THE TREES: means you must not spent to much money as there is a limited amount of it.

-MONEY IS NO AN OBJECT: means that you've a lot of money available to spend.

-LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY: means to allow things to happen no matter what the consequences are.

-When you say something is AS CHEAP AS CHIPS you mean it's very cheap.

-If you are CHASING YOUR TAIL you are very busy doing a lot of different things but not achieving very much.


Here is my presentation for my ideal city for the future:

jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014


Here is my social science project about a fair trade shop:



Hello Zoey,
We look forward to seeing you here in Spain. Just wait and see; we are going to show you a lot of things. We have already made the program of the things we will do each day.
Here is what we have planned:

-Day 1: You will arrive at Madrid´s airport, and you then take a bus to Salamanca. This day you won´t do anything because you will be tired after the flight.

-Day 2: We will visit Salamanca and show you the most important places and buildings in the city, like the cathedral and the Main Square. We will also show you the academy where you are going to learn Spanish. After that we will go home for dinner and that’s the end of the day.

-Day 3: You will have to wake up early to go to the academy. The classes are from nine o´clock to two o´clock. After that you will have lunch in Salamanca with the other students who go to the academy, and when you have had lunch you will have free time for doing whatever you want.

-Day 4: You will have classes in the morning and in the afternoon we will have an excursion to Zamora to see one of the famous processions which are typical for the Spanish Holy Week.

-Day 5: You won´t go the academy because we will make another excursion to Madrid, to see famous places like the Royal Palace and the Main Square. After that we will eat there and we will come back to Salamanca late in the afternoon.

-Day 6: You will go to class like the other days, and after that we will go to La Alberca, which is a very beautiful village in the mountains. Perhaps we can also go to La Covatilla, which is a skiing resort.

-Day 7: You will take a bus to Madrid, and then you will take a plane in Barajas to go back to England.

We hope that you will enjoy your stay here. See you soon. Best regards,

Elián and Julián.


martes, 11 de febrero de 2014


-NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY: is the power of a state to do everything necessary to govern itself, such as making, executing, and applying laws; imposing and collecting taxes; making war and peace; and forming treaties or engaging in commerce with foreign nations.

-CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY: a monarchy governed according to a constitution that limits and defines the powers of the sovereign.

-THE CROWN: the part of a constitutional monarchy represented by the king.

-ARBITRATOR:  A person chosen to decide a dispute or settle differences.

-DECENTRALISED GOVERNMENT: a system of government in which decision- making is devolved to a local level and is therefore closer to the citizens.

-MINISTERS: government officials that, together with the president, make up the Spanish cabinet.

-MUNICIPALITY: the most basic administrative body in the Spanish territory.

-MAYOR: is the highest-ranking officer in the municipal government of a town or a large urban city.

-COUNCILLORS: government officials that together with the mayor make up the town council.

-PROVINCE: an administrative body made up of several municipalities in the Spanish territory.

-SELF GOVERNMENT: is an abstract concept that applies to several scales of organization.

-STATUTE OF AUTONOMY: is a law hierarchically located under the constitution of a country, and over any other form of legislation.

-SUBSIDIARITY: the principle of devolving decisions to the lowest practical level so that services are closer to the citizens.

-AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY: one of the 17 regions that form part of the Spanish territory.

-EXCLUSIVE AUTHORITY: is a government's assertion of its legitimate authority over a certain territory.

-SHARE AUTHORITY: the local government and the state over laws related to the transport or the labor market.

-WELL BEING: the level of satisfaction of a population as measured by education levels, health care, live expectancy and consumption.

-LIFE EXPECTANCY: the number of years a person or population is expected to live.

-ILLITERACY: is the inability to read and write one's own name and further for knowledge and interest, write coherently, and think critically about the written word.

-EXTENDED FAMILY: defines a family that extends beyond the nuclear family, consisting of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all living nearby or in the same household.

-NUCLEAR FAMILY: is a term used to define a family group consisting of a pair of adults and their children.

lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014


I think that it´s indeed very necessary for a country to have a constitution. This is because it helps to organize the country and the way people live together within that country giving a set of rights and obligations. If people don´t have a constitution, they can easily turn the country into a chaotic place to live. Without rights there would be a lot of injustice; without rules and obligations the people would not work for the community and there would probably be a lot of crime. In conclusion, it´s necessary to have a constitution in order to construct a harmonic society.

lunes, 27 de enero de 2014


-GDP: Gross Domestic Product.

-CAP: Common Agricultural Policy.

-CFP: Common Fisheries Policy.

-BUDGET: a sum of money to be used for specfic purposes by a government.

-COHESION: the act of working together.

-SURPLUS: an amount or a quantity greater than needed.

-TREATY: a formal agreement related to international laws and relations between two or more countries.

-INVESTMENT: to buy property or another possessions in order to gain future benefit.

-OUTSKIRTS: bordering areas of a region or a city.

-CURRENCY: the money that a country uses.

-OMBUDSMAN: a government official who hears and investigates complaints by private citizens against other officials or government agencies.