-COLONIES: All the countries that used to be British colonies.
-NAPOLEON: A French military and political leader who became very powerful during the French Revolution.
-WELSH: Language which is spoken in Wales.
- DEFEAT: The state of being beaten in a battle, competition, election, etc...
-WALES: Is an independent area belonging to England.
-PATTING: Something you tap it or hit it lightly, for example, with your fingers.
-BLOODY FOREIGNER: An expression to say that you don't like people coming from other countries.
-OLIVE SKIN: Darker colour skin tone.
-ZEBRA CROSSING/ PEDESTRIAN CROSSING: A place in which pedestrians can cross a street and where drivers must stop to let them cross.
-PALE: Something that is pale is whitish and not strong or bright in colour.
-SUN TANNED: Coloured by the sun.
-SNIFFING: Draw in air through enough to make a sound, or to introduce something inside the nose.
-"WHEN IN ROME, DO AS THE ROMANS DO": "A donde fueres, haz lo que vieres".
-THE BEE GEES: A music group from Wales.
-PECK: When you take only a small amount of food.
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