domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014


-TO ASK FOR THE MOON: means to make unreasonable demands for things or to wish something impossible to achieve or to obtain. 

-When you HOLD THE FORT it means that you take care of a place when the person normally in charge is away.

-UNDER THE TABLE: is a phrase used to describe secretive behaviour often suggesting corruption or illegality.

-TO HORSE AROUND: means yo behave in a silly way making noise and causing disruption.

-When you say someone has CHICKENED OUT of something you mean they have failed to do something or they haven't tried to do it because they were afraid.

-When you say someone is a WISE OLD OWL you mean they are very experienced in life.

-A NIGHT OWL is someone who stays up late into the night.

-When you say someone is IN SAFE HANDS you mean they are being cared for someone who is confident and skilled.

-A SAFE PAIR OF HANDS: it refers to someone who can be twisted to do a good job avoiding mistakes.

-If someone tells you TO HOLD YOUR TONGUE it means they want you to stop talking because they don't like what you are saying.

-If a situation is BLACK AND WHITE it means you have a clear opinion about it and you can easily see what you think is right and wrong.

-MONEY DOESN'T GROW ON THE TREES: means you must not spent to much money as there is a limited amount of it.

-MONEY IS NO AN OBJECT: means that you've a lot of money available to spend.

-LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY: means to allow things to happen no matter what the consequences are.

-When you say something is AS CHEAP AS CHIPS you mean it's very cheap.

-If you are CHASING YOUR TAIL you are very busy doing a lot of different things but not achieving very much.

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