martes, 2 de junio de 2015


-GOOGLE: Brand name of a leading internet search engine, founded in 1998.

-YOUTUBE: The name of a website on which users can post, view or share videos.

-TUMBLR: A microblogging platform and social networking website founded by David Karp.

-TWITTER: Online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-characters messages called "tweets".

-PICASA: A free online photo-sharing tool provided by Google.

-INSTAGRAM: Free online photo sharing and social network platform that was acquired by Facebook in 2012.

-WHATSAPP: An instant messaging app for smartphones that operates under a subscription business model.

sábado, 23 de mayo de 2015


-RASH: A visible lesion or group of lesion on the skin, caused by any of numerous factors including infectious agents, drugs and allergies.

-ITCHY: Causing an irritating cutaneous sensation.

-RUNNY NOSE: Discharge from the nasal mucous membrane, especially when excessive, as with an allergy or infection.

-FLU: Any of various viral infections, especially a respiratory or intestinal infection.

-SWOLLEN: Expanded by or as if by internal pressure.

-COUGH: To expel air from the lungs suddenly and noisily, often to keep the respiratory passages free of irritating material.

-ALLERGY: An abnormal high sensitivity to certain substances, such as pollens, foods or micro-organisms.

-HEADACHE: Pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries, muscle contraction...

-BREATHE: To inhale and exhale air using the lungs.

-PILL: A small pellet or tablet of medicine, often coated, taken by swallowing whole or by chewing.

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015


-You should "let sleeping dogs lie.": "Más vale no meneallo (expresión antigua)."/ "No le busques los tres pies al gato."

-"Don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched.": "No vendas la piel del oso antes de cazarlo."

-You "let the cat out of the bag.": "Irse de la lengua."/ "Descubrir el pastel."

-"Elvis has left the building.": "Se ha ido el alma de la fiesta (en aquellos tiempos, Elvis)."

-"Don't cry over spilled milk.": "A lo hecho, pecho."

-"Take it with a grain of salt.": "No te lo tomes en serio."/ "Tómatelo a la ligera."

-"That's the best thing since sliced bread.": "Es la octava maravilla del mundo."

-"It costs an arm and a leg.": "Cuesta un ojo de la cara."

-"Speak of the devil.": "Hablando del rey de Roma."

-"To be the devil's advocate.": "Ser el abogado del diablo."

-"Sitting on the fence.": "Ni lo uno ni lo otro."/ "Ser indeciso."

Some extra idioms:

-"Barking up the wrong tree.": "Ir muy desencaminado."

-"Once in a blue moon.": "Cada muerte de obispo."/ " De Pascuas a Ramos."

-"Beat around the bush.": "Andarse con rodeos."

-"Burn the midnight oil.": "Quemarse las pestañas."/ "Hacer la noche día."

-"To cut corners.": "Atajar."/ "Ahorrar dinero o trabajo."

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015


-CRUEL: Disposed to inflict pain or suffering.

-EXOTIC: From another part of the world.

-MISTREATED: To treat roughly or wrongly.

-PEACOCK: A peafowl, distinguished by its crested head, brilliant blue or green plumage and log modified back feathers.

-WWF: "World Wild Fund".

-AFRICAN WILD DOG: A canine (Lycaon Pictus) of Sub-Saharan Africa having mottled black, yellow and white fur. It lives and hunts in packs.

-UNWANTED: Not wanted or desired.

-NEGLECT: To pay little or no attention to something.

-SHOCKING: Highly disturbing emotionally.

-WELL-MEANING: Kindly or honestly intended.

-TOUGH: Physically hard.

-OSTRICH: Either of two large, swift-running flightless birds of Africa characterized by a long bare neck, small head and two-toed feet.


-CHARCOAL: A drawing pencil or crayon made of a black, porous and carbonaceous material.

-SMOOTH: Having a surface free from irregularities, roughness or projections.

-ROUGH: Having a surface marked by irregularities, protuberances or ridges.

-INK: A pigmented liquid or paste used specially for writing or printing.

-OIL: A painting done in oil paint.

-MASTERPIECE: An outstanding work of art or craft.

-CLAY: Moist sticky earth, also called mud.

-WATERCOLOUR: Water-soluble pigment, applied in transparent washes and without the admixture of white pigment in the lighter tones.

-PORTRAIT: A likeness of a person, especially one showing the face, that is created by a painter or a photographer.

-SHINY: Radiating light.

-SKETCH: A hasty or no detailed drawing often made as a preliminary study.

martes, 24 de marzo de 2015


-CLEANSE: To free from, for example, dirt or guilt.

-DRESSER: A chest of drawers often supporting a mirror and typically used for holding clothes and personal items.

-DUTY: An act or a course that is required of one by position, social custom, law or religion.

-MAHOGANY: The wood of different kinds of tropical American trees.

-SWAY: To incline or bend to one side.

-WRAP: To arrange or fold something as cover or protection.

-TIGHTEN: Fixed or fastened firmly in place.

-SIDESHOW: A small show offered in addition to the main attraction, as at a circus.

-DEED: Something that is carried out.

-BRASS: A yellowish alloy of copper and zinc, sometimes including small amounts of other materials.

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015


-DROWN: To die by submerging and suffocating in water or another liquid.

-FATE: The supposed force, principle or power that predetermines events.

-HANDLE: A part that is designed to be held or operated with the hand.

-PARCHED: Dried out of extreme heat.

-WOUND: An injury to the feelings.

-SELF-PITY: A feeling of sorrow over your own suffering.

-SPIT: The act of expectorating.

-STOPPER: A device, such as a cork or plug, that is inserted to close an opening.

-GUNPOWDER: Any of various explosive powders used to propel projectiles from guns, especially a black mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulphur.

-REDUCE: To bring down, as in extent, amount or degree.

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015


-AROUSE: To cause someone to be active, attentive or exited.

-BARN: A large farm building used for storing farm products and sheltering livestock.

-CONCEAL: To keep from being discovered or observed.

-FOOL: One who is deficient in judgement, sense or understanding.

-SOB: To weep aloud with convulsive gasping.

-HESITATE: To pause or wait in uncertainty.

-SCAR: A mark left on the skin after a surface injury or wound has healed.

-SCORN: Contempt or disdain felt toward a person or object considered despicable.

-THUD: A dull sound, as that of a heavy object striking a solid surface.

-CRAWL: To move slowly on the hands and knees or by dragging the body along the ground.

-LAD: A boy or young man.

-RACK: A framework or stand in or on which to hold, hang or display various articles.

-SHAH: Used formerly as a title for the hereditary monarch of Iran.

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015


-BALCONY: A gallery that projects over the main floor in a theatre or auditorium.

-BULLET: An object resembling a projectile in shape, action, or effect.

-CHASE: To follow rapidly in order to catch or overtake.

-NUDGE: A gentle push.

-REGAIN: To recover possession of something lost or taken away.

-PITIFUL: Filled with pity or compassion.

-FROWN: To wrinkle the brow, as in thought or displeasure.

-SLUMP: To fall or sink heavily.

-DISTORT: To twist out of a proper or natural relation of parts.

-SCAMPER: To run or go lightly and quickly.

-BELOVED: Dearly loved.

-CLATTER: A rattling sound.

-STOCKY: Solidly built.


lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015


-BURST: To come open or fly apart suddenly or violently, especially from internal pressure.

-FLEE: To run away as from trouble or danger.

-MOANING: A low, sustained, mournful cry, usually indicative of sorrow or pain.

-PRIDE: A sense of one's own proper dignity or value.

-SUMMON: To request to appear.

-TEAR: The act of pulling something apart.

-WEEP: To express grief or anguish.

-SANITY: The quality or condition of being sane of the mind.

-PETRIFIED: To be stunned with terror.

-CLING: To hold fast or adhere to something.

-GLEAMING: An appearance of reflected light.


-CANVAS: A painting executed on such fabric.

-FLICKER: To burn or shine unsteadily or fitfully.

-FORTNIGHT: A period of 14 days.

-GLOOMY: Partially or totally dark, especially dismal and dreary.

-OUTER: Located on the outside.

-PLOT: To form a plot to prearrange something secretly or deviously.

-SHIVER: An instance of shivering or trembling.

-MAID: An unmarried girl or woman.

-EASE: To free from pain, worry or agitation.

-PLEAD: To appeal earnestly .

-SICKEN: To make or become sick.

-WATCHFUL: Closely observant or alert.

-STUMBLE: To miss one's step when walking or running.

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015


-BETRAY: To give aid or information to an enemy.

-EERIE: Inspiring inexplicable fear, dread or uneasiness.

-GRIP: To secure and maintain a tight hold on.

-INN: A public lodging house serving food and drink to travellers.

-SETTLE: To end or resolve by making a decision or coming to an agreement.

-BLESS: To make holy by religious rite.

-BURY: To place a corpse in a grave, tomb or the sea.

-GLIDE: To move in a smooth, effortless manner.

-GRANT: To allow or consent to the fulfilment of  something.

-PART: To divide into two or more parts.

-SHOULDER: The part of the human body between the neck and upper arm.

-TONE: A sound of distinct pitch, quality and duration.

-CORRIDOR: A narrow hallway, passageway or gallery often with rooms or apartments opening onto it.

lunes, 2 de febrero de 2015


-BLAZE: A sudden outburst, as of emotion.

-CAPTOR: One that takes another as a captive.

-DAMP: Slightly wet or humid.

-HARM: Physical or psychological damage or injury.

-ROAR: A loud, deep, prolonged sound or cry, as of a person in distress or rage.

-LAP: The front area from the waist to the knees of a seated person.

-GLOW: A light produced by a body heated to luminosity .

-MIST: A mass of fine droplets of water in the atmosphere near or in contact with the earth.

-GASP: A short convulsive intake or catching of the breath.

-GATHER: To collect from different places.

-GROAN: To make a sound expressive of stress or strain.

-OWE: To be indebted to the amount of money or a favour...

-REHEARSAL: The act of practising in preparation for a public performance.

-SHORE: The land along the edge of an ocean, sea, lake or river.

-VACANT: Not occupied or put to use.

-BEG: To ask someone for something in an urgent or humble manner.

-FOREHEAD: The part of the face between the eyebrows, the normal hairline and the temples.

-DIM: Lacking in brightness.

lunes, 26 de enero de 2015


-SQUEAL: To make a loud shrill cry or sound.

-STARTLING: To alarm, frighten or surprise suddenly.

-CLOAK: A loose outer garment, such as a cape or a coat.

-NEATLY: Orderly and clean, tidy.

-TRIMMED: To make neat or tidy by clipping or smoothing.

-SUPERB: Majestic or magnificent.

-CREEP: To move with the body close to the ground, like a snake.

-AWFUL: Extremely bad or unpleasant.

-" PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER": "Mantener la calma o compostura".

-HIP: The laterally projecting prominence of the pelvis.

-LEAN: To bend or slant away from the vertical.

-MERE: Being nothing more than what is specified.

-PLUMP: Well-rounded and full in form.

-LACK: Deficiency or absence.

lunes, 19 de enero de 2015


-AUCTION: A public sale in which property or items of merchandise are sold to the highest bidder.

-CHANDELIER: A branched, decorative lighting fixture that holds a number of bulbs or candles and is suspended from a ceiling.

-SOUNDTRACK: The audio portion of a film or video recording.

-SCENERY. Backdrops, hangings, furnishings and other accessories on a stage that represent the location of a scene.

-GOSSIP: Rumour or talk of a personal, sensational, or intimate nature.

-FOYER: A lobby or anteroom, as of a theatre or hotel.

-DAWN: Is the time in which the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon in the morning.

-RUMBLE: To make a deep, long and rolling sound.

-WEALTHY: To have a big fortune.

-VANISH: To pass out of sight, especially quickly.

-UNFOLD: To open and spread out something folded.

-FAINT: Lacking clarity or distinctness.


-HOAX: Deliberately fabricated falsehood made to masquerade a truth.

-QUOTE: To repeat a passage, phrase... from a book, speech or the like, word for word.

-ADVERTISEMENT: A notice, such as a poster or a paid announcement in the print, broadcast or electronic media, designed to attract public attention.

-APPLIANCES: A device or instrument designed to perform a specific function, especially an electrical device, such as a toaster.

-"COUCH POTATOES": "Adictos a la televisión".

-NAUGHTY: Behaving disobediently or mischievously.

-TRAY: A shallow flat receptacle used for containing something.

-ASHTRAY: A receptacle for tobacco ashes and cigarette.

-BEAM: A ray or shaft of light.

-FILTER: Any of various electric, electronic, acoustic or optical devices used to reject signals, vibrations or radiations of certain frequencies.