miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014


-"SCARE THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF": "Te dará un susto de muerte".

-"GAVE UP THE GHOST": "Ha dejado de funcionar" (if it reefers to an object).  

-"SCARED STIFF": " Estar muert@ de miedo" or "Quedarse de piedra".

-"AS IF YOU'VE SEEN A GHOST": "Como si hubieras visto un fantasma".

-"SCAREDY-CAT": "No seas cobarde".

-"GIVES ME THE CREEPS": "Se me ponen los pelos de punta".

-"COME BACK TO HUNT YOU": "Atente a las consecuencias" (in the case that you do something wrong).

-"A GHOST TOWN": "Pueblo abandonado" or "Pueblo inhabitado".


-MYSTERIOUS: Something strange that don't have any explanation.

-HAUNTED: A place, which is frequented or visited by ghosts.

-DARK: Lacking or having very little light.

-SPOOKY: Something scary.

-GLOOMY: Something partially or totally dark.

-CEMETERY: A place where the dead are buried, normally near a church.

-SHRIEK: A shrill and piercing cry.

-ALLEY: A narrow street or passageway between or behind city buildings.

-SPECTRE: A visible incorporeal spirit.

-MOONLIGHT: The light reflected from the surface of the moon.

-COWARD: A person that isn't brave.